7th march 08:
fun kaleidoscope day.
wanying, ziyan & me had shifts at the art club gallery from 8.00 to 10.00. jiazhen & iris were there too! :D it was rather fun, cause there's no one there at all. the opening ceremony is from 8.30 to 9.30 and it's followed by a concert. muahaha, so we all went to the grand stand to watch the ceremony instead. it was very nice. the CS dance is cool man, with all the colourful colourful cloth things!
after our shift, we went to the canteen to eat roti prata, even though we're not suppose to.
it was soo oily and delicious!
then we finally joined our class at the hall.
i didn't even dare to go near my class. YES I LEARNT MY LESSON. ): don't stand up or walk during a concert, no matter what your reason is for being late.
we went to 2B classroom for some paper cutting thing. my mouse was destorted. isabella, joanna, huiqi, joyce and some others cut really nicely. :D i can't remember.
we proceeded to have some sort of lunch, but the queues for the food were super long.
then to the foyer & took some photos of ourselves. met mdm loh and took more photos.
gay people gay people. :D
met larraine, ruonan & chingwoon outsided band room and talked with them for a while. :D
then went bugis with xiangyu.
bought 2 $5 each watches, one necklace and one top. i bought a pair of earrings for my mickey mouse thing, but i lost them. ahhhh $2 wasted.
surprisingly, elizabeth and eunice went too. :D hahaha, small world.
ate dinner with parents and rented 'secret'.
i am soooo inspired. i want to learn.
eh, to be very honest, i didn't quite understand the movie.
but now I have a new goal in life,
to marry a pianist who can cook. :D
8th march 08:
happy birthday to karis and huixiang!
went aljunied library to do project with yijun, jamela and eleana. haha, the plot is fantastic, i'm so glad they're all in my group! weirdly i bumped into siting they all too. i think they're doing some CS stuff. or something.
ate lunch with my group members, & went bugis village to shop with jamela and yijun.
i wanted a new sling bag.
but we couldn't find any at first, and jamela left for her tuition.
then yijun & i shopped on.
we went to about 5 stores selling bags.
and in the end i decided i wanted a black and white zinc.
we went to this 2 shop. and things got a bit complicated.
both started off as $39.90, but one store was haggled to $32. the other gave us at most $33.
but the $33 seemed to be new and real. so i bought that. now i have no money to eat or watch movies.
thank you yijun! :D
i love my zinc bag alot. :D
but i love yijun even more! :D