woweee i'm damn full now health screening and math test tmr hope they won't weigh me... as for math haizz z hope 4 the besssst, and go chiong chiong later after i'm not that full anymore. YES holidays are coming hahahaha moi is elated :) can do so much stuff during holidays! :D but i've got only like 2 weeks in spore and includes the time to finish all hw and proj and watch movie and concerts and shit so :\
anyway, tooo: shouyi cheryl chow(?) liying janson (sp) and the rest haha i'm quite proud fellow dunmanians are so kind hearted. :) suggested to organise a fund raising immediately aft they heard abt the crisis. :D trueeee dunmanians spirit! nt like urs truly pai-kia dumb like hell all day long float arnd the sch.
o ya, jamela, stop vandalising me when i sleep ! 什么cat tattoo? very hard to wash off u know! >:i will draw 10 black squids on u tmr.

crunchy people good luck for math tomorrow!!