whooooots day out with joyce is the best :D haha weirdly we bumped into the joyce from my class too. :D i love joyces.
made of honour is indeeeed a scandalous movie- :D hilarious hahaa - a bit tired to reflect but i splurged money on things i don't need again and i think this year i must have wasted at least $1000 on concerts and clothes and other bull like that :/ yes i should start saving from now on- nt gonna purchase another useless item again.
haiya, how do i tell my parents i need $200 for singfest??
boy oh boy.
i haven't started on homework YET. :SSSSSS
i want to go out with joyce again.
i want to earn money.
i want to finish homework.
i want to lose weight. $#*@#)!*@# xDDDD
i want to do well for EOY ( 3half month away?!!)
nvm, God bless me looooo---
keeep happy everybody!