mad and mad makes.

(if you want the other pics pls tell me I forgot who wants it already, except for shimei & hwee tze)
national day celebrations today @ changi beach. apparently there's ppl with taste in dhs cuz somehow they brought back stylesfrombeyond! :D how nice, and the fun stroll was even nicer alot of sea breezes and winds and it was just I dunno darn darn darn darn hilarious & enjoyable! afts the celebration went to plaza sing with isabella, jianing, yihui & jam, @ first to watch dark knight but in the end cuz of ticket availability (?) we watched the mummy instead.
ohhh ho ho ho, choice of movie.
(the rest contain spoilers of the mummy)
so they screened 4bia (sp) trailer before the movie and yihui and isabella was screaming and screaming and screaming and screaming and to add on the movie was bloody cheesy and lame but I encourage you to watch it and HAHAHAHAHA we kept laughing esp towards the end when the angmoh guy (alec/alex/some shit) said in chinese, "我把你挖出来.." to the mummy wah lao damn fucking hilarious the whole cinema was roaring and stuff omg, :D & another funny part we didn't really realise was that the mummy army had black flags with "!" on it hahaha jianing discovered it and it's also super lame. the movie is fucking dumb but if you want to laugh desparately then go to the cinema and laugh your ass off.
kay, tired.
today's the break I really really needed. :D