hello everyone. :D
hmm, the past few days are a bit boring and not nice, to be honest, because i failed math (again), and this time i have to go for remedial sessions with samuel kwek. i can tell that he's quite disappointed with me, 'cause during lessons he always ask if i have any problems & i always say no. if this goes on i won't be able to score A or A+ for my year 3 math, so i MUST buck up. anyway, i stayed back to finish AEP compositions and math assignment 3 with Jam today, and it's the first time i handed it in on time. :D
we ran 1.6km, shuttle run & volley yesterday. ZOMG, i suck at shuttle run. maybe it's because i was wearing clown shoes? my feet size is 7, wearing size 9. :D yea, i have super big duck feet, live with it, OK. 1.6km sucked too and volley was ok. nicholas's a good player & super nice guy, kept encouraging us. :D after school, stayed back to do AEP with xiangyu & was told the the AEP project was $#%-ing dued on monday. D: in other words, i'm dead. after that, went home with her. we were talking about stuff & i said that i want to be an alien feeding on bacterias. she told me i should write children's storybooks. :D actually it's nice. hahaha. lots of people grew up reading enid blyton's. she said that if you put salt on a bird's tail it can not fly away from you. yea, i liked her books.
hmm, yea, i think that's about it. what a stressful week. next week's gonna be worst. luckily we are all rewarded with sexaye chung cheng high main trackers. :D hohoho, shall go buy binoculars this weekend.
anyway, have a nice week ahead.
it's never as bad as you think.
*ps, i stupid-ly deleted all my links. i'll try to relink most of you, please tell me if i missed you out, ks? :D thank you!