this has to be one of the most wonderful week ever! :D
because it was simple and happy.
april fool's was on tuesday, and it was really funny. :D 3c hid at the space near 3d and the girls' toilet and we wanted to scare mr tan. haha, he went into the classroom and it was all dark and quiet and he tried to set up his computer but didn't know how to. then, some 3c people started to CRAWL in through the backdoor and he got a bit freaked out. LOL, but he thanked us for brightening up the day in the end. he really is the best teacher ever!
*bond of marriage: engagement ring, wedding ring, suffering.
the best part is telling him we have language arts or PE after every chemistry lesson. :D
& heather told me about 3d's april fools during AEP. they all froze for 2.10 min for a certain lesson together and zhenghui hid beneath the teacher's table for a few subjects. LMAO. :D 3d's a nice class to be in.
wednesday was a bit down because some fucking ass came to 3c and stole a total of $100+ from us during PE. it's kinda disappointing to know someone around us have such low integrity. tsk tsk tsk. learnt how to serve volley during PE, and sucked at the overhead part. D: what's worse is I didn't even realise NAPFA was on monday. shiiit!
thursday's the best. :D
financial lit. was SOO FUN. it made me realise how much i missed my group members. throughout the lesson we were screaming and guessing and laughing. in the end, missed the mac vouchers by half a bloody mark. but nevermind. kaili's spontaneous group did the chicken little dance, and vanessa danced super well. (she's a pro mah! :D)
stayed to do math and have tuition with mr kwek.
and i really really really want to thank him for being there and taking the time out to help me. my math is picking up VERY LITTLE bit by VERY LITTLE bit.
but it's picking up.
cool la. :D
met hanying, monica and sijin (i think).
the rain started to pour like siao. so, we're all trapped there.
sorry to karen qiya & heather. D:
couldn't squeeze you into the cab.
monica's mum was cool. she called a cab and monica dropped hanying, sijin and me at the MRT. the roads were flooded with rain. D: horrible.
wasn't all bad.
met zhixiong on the MRT. haha at first i didn't realise. then later squeezed more into the train and like stepped/bumped/crashed into him twice before i realise that the guy next to me was from RV. then got off at jurong and semi-confirmed it was him. we live in the same block. for 2 years. and i completely did not realise.
how cool is that? :D
anyway got home, and since there's no homework, i watched sweeney todd and happy tree friends. ZOMG I LOVE VIOLENCE SO MUCH! SWEENEY TODD HAS TO BE THE MOST SEXY MAN EVER IN THE HISTORY OF MAN. he's got alot of character and even the way he kill is hot. the whole movie's brilliant. tim burton's my favourite director ever. :D
quite slack. LA lecture was just copying notes. muahaha the clip they showed was super funny! :D i forgot the name of the film but rowan atkinson was in it. ROFL. ROFL. history was a test, which i probably failed, but nevermind. chinese was just reading, which was a bit -, but xu lao shi makes me feel like i'm studying in taiwan. :D he's a nice guy. math was a bit confusing but still okay. chemistry was fun. :D
lunch's cool. the taiwan students came to our school and the teachers ordered too much buffet. so mr tan tui gee was asking all the students he can find to go to the hall for a FREE BUFFET LUNCH. ZOMG it was so cool la! hanying, xiao rong, shimei, jianing, eleana, joanna, huiqi and some others were there. :D it's super nice. don't have any pictures, but mainly there's free food and handsome guys. so, you should know. :D
art club was cool too. a japanese teacher came to teach some of us manga/anime. it's super cool. her accent is funny. but she spelt 'peace' as 'piece'. and she forgot to return me my marker. muahaha, that's okay the marker's not very new anyway, and she's a great teacher. :D
after art club, i spotted hanying, monica and shimei at the piano playing. SHIMEI PLAYED SECRET! ZOMG THAT'S SO COOL! she's super good at it. muahaha, and she encouraged me to play. but i only know the first bar and the cross-hand part. D: so, aiya. later, we saw zixuan and the choir people. so we asked zixuan to play the piano.
and while he played we nearly started crying because he was SO DAMN AWESOME. it was really just, like, WHOOOAAAA. he's sooooo good on the piano. ZOMG, shimei, hanying and me were like just staring at him play and just staring and staring. after he finished, none of us wanted to touch the piano anymore. it's like, nothing can compare to him. zixuan's super cool la!
he played 'my heart will go on', btw.
after that just went home with monica, hanying and shimei. :D
what a lovely lovely lovely week.
*sorry for not replying on msn. D: i wasn't at home until 10+.