maybe if I had taken the whole thing a bit more seriously it wouldn't become the state it is now. trashing trashing whatever shit she's gonna throw at me tomorrow I'll swallow the words like a real MAN. (what the)
: rmb when we run 2.4 or sth and at the last half of the last round we'll sprint like idiots? that's how studies' gonna be like from next week onwards. what is it with DHS teachers and tests? if they could experience half the pressure we feel maybe they'll think twice about fitting 4/week. yes I'm turning into a sour grape already. & btw,
to all guys.
be. a. gentleman.
to this aspect, looks are only a second.
don't flip the page when I'm apparently still reading. don't take my hp and check my msgs. don't look through every single photo on my camera w/o permission, and lastly don't spit saliva on me DAMN IT.